Shrine Development Raffle!
Countdown to D-Day (Drawing Day)!
We are no longer elling tickets online. They will still be available in the gift shop in on the grounds after Sunday Mass.
Here is the Story! We are selling 550 tickets!
Event Location: Tickets on sale now, drawing September 17, 2023 in the Church Gathering Area
(7078 W M-68 Hwy, Indian River, MI).
Development Fund Raffle $100 per ticket for a chance to win $10,000
Cash Prizes: One – $10,000 One – $5,000 Three – $1,000 Four – $500 Drawing: September 17, 2023 at 11:45am – Church Gathering Area Need not be present to win! Licensee: Cross in the Woods Catholic Shrine
License # R68941